Geraldo Rivera & Bill O’Reilly post-debate analysis

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Geraldo Rivera and Bill O’Reilly join Cuomo on NewsNation to discuss the Trump-Harris debate. Who won? Did Donald Trump’s rhetoric take a slide after the first 30 minutes?



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Partial transcript



“….Geraldo, how do you see it?”
Geraldo Rivera: “I thought that, you’re being much too kind, Bill, as you usually are to President Trump. He was childish, he was creepy, he was cringy…the thing about eating dogs, they eat dogs, he was obsessed with it. He wouldn’t let it go. He put that bone in his mouth and he rattled it. I thought that she withstood Hurricane Trump, she came across as competent, even confident, after that first half hour. Which I agree with you — that was definitely his best half hour. Then he just descended to chaos. He couldn’t make a straight point. He kept returning to generalizations, and thinking that through braggadocio alone he could prevail. He was terrible tonight. And you can apologize for him all you want. But he did not seem presidential. He wouldn’t even have made the debate team at a junior high. He was just trying to use his bully..and then when he says ‘Biden hates you’. Talk about junior high. ‘Biden hates you’? What is that? That’s a president of the United States, just debasing himself? I thought that he was absolutely ineffective, blathering, and he was so unprepared on the issues…she was ready, she almost knew what he was gonna go off on ahead of time.”