1985 Eyewitness News, Geraldo Rivera covers the story of Bernhard Goetz in detail with a re-creation of the crime scene on that fateful subway car. We hear audio from Mr. Goetz shortly after his surrender to police, as...Read More
1985 Haiti for ABC news, this time investigating reports of zombies in real life. We learn that 90% of the population still practices voodoo, the ancient folk religion originally brought from Africa. The clip begins with footage of...Read More
1983 Geraldo Rivera, reporting for Eyewitness News in 1983, takes us to the front lines outside Tripoli where Yassir Arafat’s forces are fighting against Syrian-backed PLO rebels. We then go to Beirut, Lebanon and see the conditions of...Read More
1983 1983, Geraldo Rivera for Eyewitness News gives us an update on North Korea, while America protects the South Korean front line with 40,000 troops stationed there. This clip is 10 days prior to Ronald Reagan’s visit to...Read More
1983 Geraldo Rivera for Eyewitness News, takes us to Tucson Arizona, home of the Hughes aircraft company. Why are the rates of defense contractors so much higher than industry standard? We interview A Ernest Fitzgerald of USAF management...Read More
1983 A brief history of the Marine Corps. How did the leathernecks earn their reputation as the toughest of the tough guys? We start with a recruiter’s conversation, some history of the Marine Corp since it’s creation as...Read More
1982 Geraldo Rivera investigates the prevalence of fully automatic weapons in 1982, starting with militia groups in central Ohio. Many who own these powerful weapons of war are teachers, fathers, plumbers. We look at the reasons these sorts...Read More
1982 Geraldo Rivera’s eye-opening report on migrants crossing the Mexico-Arizona border airs on 20/20 Eyewitness News. In this segment we see the actual processes used in crossing, with informative detail. Are these methods still in use today? ...Read More
1982 Why do migrants take the risk of illegally crossing the border? As we discover, the root cause is poverty back home. This 1982 news clip has Geraldo Rivera on the ground at the border discussing the issue...Read More
1981 Geraldo Rivera for 20/20 Eyewitness News, with an extensive expose into the issues of sweatshops. We learn about the day-to-day of the 5,000 sweatshops in New York, 3,500 in Los Angeles, and thousands more across the country....Read More