1981 Geraldo Rivera for 20/20 Eyewitness News, with an extensive expose into the issues of sweatshops. We learn about the day-to-day of the 5,000 sweatshops in New York, 3,500 in Los Angeles, and thousands more across the country....Read More
1981 Geraldo Rivera for Eyewitness News with an investigation into the scams of some licensed insurance agents. This report focuses on the issue in the state of Missouri, where the insurance outlaws are as bad as renegades like...Read More
1981 Geraldo Rivera’s segment on Eyewitness News looked at terror events internationally and how these threats are evolving with Soviet support. This clip includes the introduction to that segment ‘The Unholy War’, a battle against terror and in...Read More
1980 Geraldo Rivera interviews Cheech & Chong for Eyewitness news, studying their success at a time marijuana was anything but legal or mainstream in the 50 states. In 1980 their “Cheech & Chong’s Next Movie” had just come...Read More
1980 Dangers of aluminum wiring. Studies show a 55 times greater risk of electrical fire if your domicile is wired with aluminum as opposed to copper wiring. So why is aluminum still used in millions of homes across...Read More
1980 In the early 1980s, Mr. Sinatra performs in Egypt. Eyewitness News gets the chance to catch up with him prior to the performance. How would he characterize his personal method of singing? This interview is interspersed with...Read More
1978 Nicaragua, where a large swath of the country is rebelling against the government of General Anastasio Somoza. Violence is almost a nightly occurrence all over the country, with the poorest joined by students and other groups in...Read More
1978 In 1978 Geraldo Rivera takes up the fight for One To One charity, an organization dedicated to improving conditions for the developmentally disabled. The boxing match was not long after a major concert held for the same...Read More
1977 Geraldo Rivera, Eyewitness News. The city-wide power failure lasted nearly 24 hours, some areas hit worse than others. New York City is the scene of intense destruction and looting is widespread. This clip, taken two days after...Read More
1977 Geraldo Rivera goes to Cuba for Eyewitness news in 1977, this time to Ernest Hemingway’s house. We learn about the author and see things as they were left, as well as speak to his widow Mary Welsh...Read More