DNC recap; Race in the 2024 presidential election

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Geraldo Rivera joins the panel on NewsNation to discuss what role race will play in the 2024 election.  Are the candidates making it an issue, or is race such an ingrained issue the electorate will focus on it regardless?


August 19th, 2024





Ready for more?  Watch Geraldo’s latest.


Geraldo joined NewsNation in February, 2024.


Partial Transcript of the NewsNation panel, August 14th 2024


“You’re gonna go after Biden …when you support Donald Trump…when you know foreign money was coming into that hotel and all these other enterprises?  It’s just such a silly basis of division.  But this is where we are.”


Vargas: “I was actually surprised they went ahead with that, given the fact that Biden is no longer running, but I guess…”


“Negativity, is their currency.  This is a grievance election for them.”


Vargas: “Yeh.”


GR: “I think the issue you have not yet grappled with, we as a nation, obviously, is race.  Race is gonna play a big role, it plays an underground a subterranean role everyday in American Politics and the Trump-Harris race will be a way that people can choose up sides based on race and I think it’s sad, it’s a melancholy fact of American life but race will rear it’s ugly head I have no doubt.”


“But do you believe it’s motivated by a side or you believe it’s just a reality of how the electorate see these people?”


GR: “I think, when you check the polls there are obviously sociological, economical, political reasons for that.  Race has aggravated American society for a very long time.  Maybe in ’68, as violent and horrible and threatening as that was, at least it was integrated.  You had white people and black people, people on both sides of the establishment and the anti-establishment…I really believe that race matters in a big way.  And this is the epic event; first black woman, first south asian woman, first woman…”


“Trump says you only get to be one of those by the way Geraldo.”