Pets eaten in Springfield, OH — Really?

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Donald Trump’s debate claims of pets eaten in Springfield, Ohio doesn’t pass the sniff test. Geraldo on NewsNation program On Balance to discuss why this myth is so popular on both sides of the aisle.



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Wikipedia’s page on the Cat eating hoax.


Partial transcript



“…Ohio resident, NewsNation correspondent at large, award-winning journalist…I don’t about you, I’m not a media critic, you’re better at this you’ve been around longer than I have. I find the lack of caring about people in Springfield Ohio both disgusting and telling, because the only time anyone has cared about them in the past few years is when they can use it against Donald Trump.”
Geraldo Rivera: “Well you know it’s a very compelling story when you’re talking about Haitians coming into a town, taking over a town and kidnapping all the pets. That whole story, that absolutely bizarre made-up fake story, is so outrageous. And it plays in, you were talking about how the big media, how mainstream media is seizing on it to prove racism. On the other hand you have the right-wing of the political spectrum seizing on the pet-eating to show the foreignness, to show how traditional values in America will be trampled or devoured.”

