The decade between 2010-2020 saw a big demand for Geraldo’s unique political and geopolitical commentary. These 10 years at the The Fox News Channel helped cement Geraldo’s voice in the modern American scene.
Geraldo joins Dana Perino to discuss legalization efforts of Marijuana, which is the fastest growing sector of the economy since the .com industry.Read More
Trump strikes Syria with 59 tomahawk missiles. The strike was proportionate, and appropriate. But how conclusive is the proof that Assad actually used chemical weapons?Read More
Do the democrats want to know anything about the Susan Rice story? On the flip side, is the Trump administration doing its best to ignore the Russian allegations?Read More
Geraldo joins Sean Hannity to discuss the recent failure of President Trump's Obamacare repeal. Would he have been successful if the administration sought consensus amongst Republican groups beforehand?Read More