Kamala Harris was no match for either our great expectations or Donald Trump’s crushing pragmatism. When I endorsed her for President in late October 2020, she was already a long shot being dragged down by progressive thought police who...Read More
NewsNation, with insight onto future Democrat strategy. Is further resistance, and becoming the party of no, doomed to reduce the popularity of the Democratic party? Can they offer robust alternatives to Trump’s plans? Here for more of...Read More
November 12th, Geraldo Rivera is on NewsNation with Dan Abrams to discuss Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reaching out to Trump voters. In a social media post, she asks who voted for both her, a Democrat, and Trump, a Republican?...Read More
2016> Geraldo Rivera joins Fox & Friends to discuss Trump’s win during his ‘thank you’ tour, as he promises to unite the country. We hear about his policy positions on Syria, where the best thing at that time...Read More
Geraldo Rivera, Now It Can Be Told, in 1991 food stamp buying and selling is widespread in New York and other cities across America. We see on hidden camera a supermarket owner buying $25,000 worth of food stamps...Read More