
Good Night America
Martin Luther King Jr. 1968

MLK Assassination, UFOs, Cancer

Geraldo's guests included Dick Gregory and Mark Lane for a discussion on the Martin Luther King assassination.
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Geraldo Rivera jogging 1977

Search for Youth & Beauty

"The American Search For Youth And Beauty" guests included: Author Luciana Avedon, Buster Crabbe and diet Dr. Robert Linn.
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The Search for Sexual Identity graphic

Search for Sexual Identity

"The Search for Sexual Identity" guests included Mr. Christine Jorgensen and Stephan Dain; transexuals and David Kopay a homosexual athlete.
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Paul McCartney, Geraldo Rivera, 1977

The Hite Report, A Sexual Survey

The program centered around a discussion of The Hite Report which had been on the best sellers list for over 12 weeks.
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Geraldo Rivera and John Denver pet a horse

Ruby/Oswald, JFK Assassination

The Ruby/Oswald Connection is explored in the assassination of President Kennedy, a follow up program of a year ago.
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Geraldo Rivera and Elizabeth Ray

Linda & Paul McCartney, Henry Winkler

Elizabeth Ray, a $14,000 / year secretary who can't type, file, etc., was on the payroll of Congressman Wayne Hays until she went public with their private relationship which touched off an investigation that led to his downfall.
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A Tribute to Frank Sinatra graphic

Tribute To Frank Sinatra

A tribute to Frank Sinatra, a behind the scenes look at his Friar's Club testimonial and interviews with some of his friends.
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Shark picture from U.S. navy film

Richard Dreyfuss, Nancy Friday, F Lee Bailey

Geraldo reports on the rebirth of the Disco craze with Disco-Tex. The star of Jaws, Richard Dreyfuss tells us about his work.
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