The right thing for country

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Do the right thing for yourself and your country

She is a warrior and a peacemaker, and I am proud heartily to endorse Kamala Harris for President, but it may not be without complications. When my initial endorsement went viral, a photographer taking my picture for a magazine article about the endorsement asked if I was “worried about retaliation?” By whom? By Donald J. Trump, the once and possibly future president who vows political retribution, and the possible use of military force against the “ enemies within.”

When confronted by television’s Dr. Phil about his many menacing statements threatening retaliation, Trump dug in. “Revenge does take time. And sometimes revenge can be justified Phil, I have to be honest, sometimes it can.”

It is like the bad old days of Richard Nixon, when commentators opposed to his Administration were placed on the infamous Enemies List. Those listed were often subjected to abnormal attention from the IRS. Tax audits were Nixon’s favorite form of retaliation. Trump who feels he was the victim of unfair scrutiny and a weaponized deep state is more ominous. He makes it sound as if he’s going to get the Godfather’s Luca Brasi or the Proud Boys to perpetrate physical muggings.

In addition to his lack of civility, racial stereotyping and sowing division, there are many crucial reasons to choose Harris over Trump. If you have a daughter, and I have three, it cannot be a close question. Only one candidate for president will honor her right to reproductive freedom, and that is Vice President Kamala Harris. In contrast, her opponent, former President Donald Trump is the principal architect of the legal regime that stripped American women of what, for half a century, they believed was a right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, the right to choose for herself to have an abortion or use birth control.

By stacking the Supreme Court, President Trump insured that the long arm of government will be in many of your daughter’s bedrooms forever more. True, some states have enshrined reproductive freedom in state constitutional amendments, but many women and even their doctors and care givers remain in jeopardy.

So does Obamacare. The Affordable Care Act, which has helped millions receive necessary care and treatment. It remains under assault by Republicans unable to present a reasonable alternative. Blame Donald Trump who tried unsuccessfully to abolish the ACA, and will try again. Even the Child Tax Credit is in continuing peril by conservative think tanks bent on achieving a nation in which compassion is a commodity that has to pay its own way.

There’s another political issue. Remember back in the 2000 presidential campaign when then VP Al Gore pretended that he didn’t know Bill Clinton? It was a mistake that overlooked impeached Clinton’s otherwise pretty successful presidency, and it cost Gore the election. Similarly, If I could advise the Harris campaign in these last two weeks before the nation votes again, it would be to embrace President Joe Biden.

Aside from the melancholy way in which the old timer was involuntarily cast aside, remember, he’s also had a pretty good presidency. “Bidenomics” largely succeeded in wrestling down inflation. Unemployment and violent crime are also down, China is being confronted, so is Russia, especially in Ukraine, NATO is on sounder footing, and Israel is winning this phase of the unending Holy War.

The border is the biggest mess, but the undocumented aren’t “poisoning the blood of the country.” And those who are attempting to exploit the relatively few incidents in which undocumented immigrants commit heinous crimes, they are, in the words of a father of a young woman killed by one, are “heartless” and “despicable.” It is another reason I am voting for her. Donald Trump has thrived on conflict and confrontation. Kamala Harris, as president would seek to heal our divisions and celebrate our unity and patriotism.


Geraldo on Donald Trump, a sore loser.


Click here for Geraldo’s latest videos.


Here for the Kamala Harris campaign website.